Future of School Education

The future of school education will be different in India. The recent declaration of the National Education Policy has proved that the urge for reformation in education is the need of the hour. Even before the announcement of NEP the schools have changed their form of teaching and have shifted to digital online education. With time students and parents have also adopted the system of online education. This sudden pandemic effect has formed the ground for schools to think about digital, flexible, and distance school education.

The schools have still kept the NEP norms under review and are not willing to implement them as submitted. The future of such schools will be really tough. The need of the hour and future is to shatter all old forms of teaching and adapt to new forms of teaching. All the school owners and teachers will have to start believing in digital education. In such a situation when community gatherings are blocked for the betterment of society schools have to work for the individual students and not students in mass.

Under the banner of the future of schools education, we may have to probably readopt the very old pattern of education, the one which was used by our rishi’s, in a more reformed way using technology support. All the teachings were practical based even if it was teaching moral science. Today the teacher has to bring change in his/her way of content delivery. It has to be more in actions either in form of enactment or any practical.

The current pandemic has suddenly shifted all schools online irrespective of the level of school and income group of their students. Right from a small school to all big institutions are adopting online platforms to deliver education to students.

What do we foresee the future of school education? With many private players entering the market with many new subjects and practical training on subjects like coding, Robotics, cognitive skills, it proves that students and parents are looking for something beyond normal education at school. Students need more practical training than just bookish knowledge.

There is no doubt that future schools might have more labs and workshops than desk bench classes. The futuristic school will be completely flexible and will be more vigilant towards student learning and growth. The assessment will not be theory-based but practical based and school may start assessing students based on their natural style of learning.

A student learns in 3 different ways, either by doing itself or looking at someone, or listening to someone. If his style of learning is doing itself then the student will be assessed based on how he does it on his own? How efficiently he does it? If the learning style is by looking at someone then the assessment will be based on how much can he reciprocate or replicated based on watching someone and the same will be the case for students who learn by listening to someone.

Schools probably may turn entirely digital, with more of labs, open grounds and its infrastructure may change from mere desk bench to sports equipment, fitness rooms, workshops, laboratories, computers, server rooms, hi-end technology solutions. Even the government schools will make It available to all the poor students as well. As the future education will be more skill based there will be wide variety of career options with the student and there will be healthy competition in relevant fields.

The crucial fields like Engineering , Medical and Economics will have passion driven student who can learn and implement these subjects by dedication and passion and not mere based on marksheet.

If all the schools adopt technology quickly and realign themselves to current trends then its easy to uplift society. The future of education lies inside the technology adoption and advancement at the school end.